5 Mental Debugs for Success & Global Prosperity by Inventor & Google Genius, Tom Chi

This talk was filmed at Awesomeness Fest, Mindvalley’s transformational event for entrepreneurs and game-changers interested in personal growth. For more info, visit: www.AwesomenessFest.com
05:11 Tom Chi had a burst in his lower GI tract
11:02 Knowing is the enemy of learning
16:14 Reason why nouns are just a quick way for you to stop thinking about something
21:45 Gaps between knowledge, practice, and mastery
25:38 Why staying in the medium helps
In this talk, The Democratization of Genius, Inventor and Google Genius, Tom Chi, highlights 5 mental debugs to redefine how we view the world and how we can unlock human psychology towards global prosperity.
We really look up to Tom here at Mindvalley because of his diverse professional background (from being an astrophysics researcher to a Fortunate 500 consultant) and because of his innovative ideas on leadership, human development, and entrepreneurship around the globe that has influenced thousands.


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